We design, develop, and produce the best custom-made flexible heaters in the USA
More Than a Manufacturer… An Engineering Partner
At thermo Heating Elements, LLC, our mission is to manufacture flexible heaters of the highest quality and provide an unparalleled level of customer service. Many of our flexible heating element technologies were developed to address specific application challenges brought to us by our customers. From our Polymer Thick Film heaters, which offer a very cost-effective method for producing flexible heaters with low to moderate temperature requirements, to our Silicone heaters, which are robust, chemical and moisture resistant flexible heaters ideal for low to mid-volume production, the level of customization is endless. This customization requires a high level of technical knowledge and engineering capability, both of which are included with each product thermo sells. At the end of the process, you will be purchasing a solution comprised of engineering guidance and high quality, high performing flexible heaters. So, view us not as a flexible heater vendor, but rather as your engineering partner.
thermo Heating Elements, LLC has developed a wide variety of flexible heater technologies so that we can offer the appropriate solution to most any situation. Flexible heaters come in all shapes, sizes, and watt densities. Flexible heating elements are ideal for applications which require a heater with complex geometry, low thermal mass, lightweight construction, and minimal thickness. Polymer Thick Film heaters offer a very cost-effective method for producing flexible heaters with low to moderate temperature requirements. Silicone heaters are robust, chemical and moisture resistant flexible heaters ideal for low to mid-volume production. Silicone heaters are highly suited to accommodate sensors and thermostats. Kapton® heaters are thin, lightweight heating elements known for low outgassing, chemical and radiation resistance, and high-temperature capabilities. All of thermo’s heating technologies can be offered in a UL-recognized construction.
“We will meet or exceed our customer’s expectations through quality, service, delivery, and continuous improvement.”
–Thermo’s ISO-9001 Quality Policy
Have a question? Ready to discuss your project needs? We are standing by to help you!
If you want to contact us about anything please call (864) 295-4811 or send us an e-mail.
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Design Basics, Temperature – Operating, Control, Monitor, Thermal, Conductivity & Loss, Mounting Method & Material, Heater Substrate Selection, and more…
~ PDF (250KB)
Design Considerations for Engineers Implementing Flex Heaters as a Thermal Solution
Design Basics, Temperature – Operating, Control, Monitor, Thermal, Conductivity & Loss, Mounting Method & Material, Heater Substrate Selection, and more…
~ PDF (250KB)
Flexible Heater Integration into Lithium Battery Systems
An overview of lithium battery systems integrating with flexible heaters.
~ PDF (249KB)